September 28, 2008
Flickr account go and suss... please
September 26, 2008
September 24, 2008
Im learning lessons, my mouth is closed and im taking in everything, older people are wiser i should listen more often, i start my new job on friday, supposidly im not allowed to tune the check out chicks, this was sad news, but ill find a way... haha
September 23, 2008
September 21, 2008

September 19, 2008
Labels: hardcore, mosh, reaper records, trapped under ice
to be honest, i rule at call of duty, im probably the best cod 4 player i know, apart from maybe jrock, i have a kill streak of 18 and i have won a free for all game in 2 minutes and 46 seconds, i have got 83 kills in shipment on domination and my accuracy is an ok 17.86 %. , today my call of duty has been lagging heaps this makes me upset cause i am on my 3rd prestige and i wanna make 4 before my mike makes 1. Anyways play call of duty or else your lame.
September 18, 2008
September 16, 2008
This week i am working alot, i hate having such a shitty sleeping pattern, by the time i get up the sun has already started to disappear, and then i go to work, which at times can be rather enjoyable, i work with some pretty interesting people, some are legit retards, and some are just really nice people. Nearly finished reading the watchmen also, the book is great, took me a while to get into at first but now i dont want it to end, bought twilight also, hopefully this book lives up to the hype.
- Trapped Under Ice
- Every Avenue
- Break Even
September 14, 2008
Cause you can do better than me, but i cant do better than you. - death cab for cutie.
September 11, 2008
Adam aka Satchmo, dude is an actual legend, he should be bottled and sold, he has pumped some sweet babes, and wrote off a ton of shit dudes, rowan dreams of being as good as adam, Adam also has a toupe which he styles and grooms regularly, his catch phrases are "Ventalation" and "Kook", rowan would prob give adam a bj, if adam were gay.
September 09, 2008
The days are getting warmer as summer approaches, dusk seems to last longer when the weather is like this, my hours are currently consumed by sorting out my new job, the watchmen and ol blue eyes. I also took some photos on ~tour~ that ill start to post up, i broke my lense so these will be the last for awhile. This weekend supposidly going into the city for rowans party, i am keen to rage rage rage.
September 05, 2008
I am seeing things alot more clearer, and im slowly feeling alot better, hopefully my attacks were a once off thing, my stress and anger are dissapearing and im feeling very cotempt with my existance at the moment, thanks to all my friends who have helped me out over the last week
September 02, 2008
my mind is so far away from where it should be.. i believe im losing my mind, when i get home things have to change, i cant continue living a life like this, my heart is heavy and i cant shake these feelings, i dont want to leave home right now, but i have no choice, hopefully things are different when i am away.