November 27, 2008

  so sick of work ahh, ill update this one day soon i promise.

November 13, 2008


I saw sex drive tonight movie was fucking killer so funny, it featured a mexican donut and tons of smoking broads. Bought Call Of Duty 4 and new wish for wings cd, both are really fucking good, im turning full nerd next week, World of Warcraft will start to consume me lol.

November 11, 2008


days have gone by, and it feels like im rotting, under spotlights my pulse is pounding, disgust is flowing through these veins, hearts telling me to put on a brave face,  minds disagreeing saying all kinds of shit, kill destroy love or live in fear, hide away from everything amongst the shadows become a phantom, amongst the shadows become a phantom, its me against the world.

phantoms 2008.

November 09, 2008

The Weekend.

downloaded a heap of camera lense add ons for my iphone, these are helga and fisheye effects haha the app rules.

November 05, 2008


Over the last 8 years America has been dragged through the dirt, the poor have gotten poorer the rich have gotten richer, natural disasters made worse by human error due to an irresponsible goverment who at times resemembled a group of infants

Bush has spent trillions on a war he will never win, just like his father, he is a failure, and even though his term in office will end on jan 20th 2009, he will still leave a trail of rubbish that will take a long time to clean up, he is blown funds left for the baby boomer generation money needed for comfortable retirements, he has let war veterans become homeless and is one of the most moronic presidents the united states has ever seen.

Moronic is also a term id like to use to describe the simpleton republican voters and fans that boo'd obama, it was good to see that most of them left their white robes and pointy hoods at home for the night. And sure not all republicans are idiots, but redneck america has a massive wake up call coming to them. 

Change has come to America, and sure the change will be graduall but is deffinatly the change they need, and as they are the country the world looks too, things will slowly start to change around the globle too , no longer will a world fear a leader who's idea of politics is playing golf and feeding horses at his texan ranch.

Obama is deffinatly the right choice, for not only the USA but the world, a healthy perspective on how he put it "a world in peril".  Its great to see that through all the stuff the republican campaign threw at Obama he came out on top by a mile. His newcomer status also worked well for him, having no baggage and no links to any previous goverments / bad legislations have deffinatly worked in his favour, no major ties to any major oil companies or corporations he seems to be very legit. He wants to start taxing the rich more, they tried to call him a socialist, haha cmon guys.

you may read this and say wtf, caed your australian. Yes i am but i am a citizen of the world and this effects the globe not just the states.

anyways more on this later im sleepy.


November 03, 2008

super bored.

fuck, lurking other peoples blogs has made me laugh, 18 year old philosophers, taking there lifes to serious, i need to stop lurking, cause reading shit like that angers me, over the last week i have seen body of lies and rock and roller, both movies ruled and you should probably check them out this weekend im going to confession getting drunk and partying.

bought some new shoes on the weekend also they are above <3