October 28, 2008


 why are we all so depressed, why are we all feeling sorry for ourselves. Look around see that your problems in comparison  with others are only minor, why do we get caught up on the smallest of issues and make the biggest deal out of them, life is to short to be so jaded we all need to wake up including me.

October 25, 2008

Weeekend off, was a mess, trash was fun, i dont want to drink again, so hungover at the moment, good seeing alot of dudes again though and shinto were so heavy, i am going to go and sleep  :(

October 23, 2008

Cash Money

therapeutic spending, i justify working hard by buying things for myself, so i ended up buying some new nudies cause i couldnt find the wranglers i wanted, anywho my band is up and going, we have a full line up,  a name and some tracks we will be doing a demo late november www.myspace.com/phantomshc

October 22, 2008

So me and poof aka rowan went shopping today, we both needed new shoes and had the day off, rowans  feet smell like aids and the plague combined, his shoes are hideous,  i bought plain black vans they rule, now i need to go buy some new jeans. anywho parramatta is good wog chicks are better, slurpees are better than wog chicks and iphones are better than everything, anyways above are pictures off my iphone. your moshing.

October 21, 2008


so i wish i could have this job, drive a nice car, makeout with demonic and cute babes, hunt demons and supernatural things, dean and sam are soooooo good.

October 16, 2008

coming home.

 This weekend, will be my first not working in about a month, it has been crazy and i have missed a ton of sweet shows which sucks, but hopefully go and see shinto and with angels vengence on saturday, in other news my new band, finally found a drummer dude rules, jamming next week  demo should follow pretty soon, if you havent already go and buy antagonist and mary jane kellys new cd's out on trial and error records, both fucking rule.

October 14, 2008


Life has changed so much, from being poor and playing in a band, to working 60 hour weeks and have stupid amounts of money, it feels good not scabbing money off anyone and it feels good to be working alot rather than lazing around being a bum. I dont miss playing in napier either, well its not exactly napier anymore lolz, more like a covers band, my health has improved 200% since i have left and my life actually gained some direction.

but im still a pretty shitty dude, still treating the good people in my life badly, its a shitty feeling knowing that you could have had something, but you missed your opportunity, hopefully it comes around again.


October 13, 2008

JCVD, is van damn's new movie, critics are going crazy over it and it actually looks like a good watch, ive always been a big fan, but his latest efforts have been pretty average,  movies like death warrant, bloodsport, double impact, the quest and even street fighter, were some of my favourite movies growing up, hopefully dolph lundren gets back into making movies too haha.

October 12, 2008


watsup ladies.

October 10, 2008


 Probably going to do a new band soon, sydney is lacking in a huge way, and with no apologies ending things, there needs to be some new bands, me, rowan, steven and lil chris have been writing a demo for a heavily influenced NY hardcore styled band so far its sounding like madball meets old blacklisted, its fast its heavy and bouncy as all fuck, will be fun to write new lyrics, write actual good lyrics this time too, it rules not being rushed and having to meet deadlines.

other than that go and check out the following
  • Confessions new cd out on resist records
  • Shinto Katana cd on dogfight
  • Wish For Wings new cd coming out in november on skull and bones
Mosh !